What You’ll Learn in This Workshop:
Right now it’s more important than ever to make an action plan for yourself and your family that will help improve and maintain the health of your immune system! In this LIVE webinar Dr. Tabor will talk you through everything you need to know to insure you and your family are doing what you can to stay healthy and strong.
Don’t miss this workshop! Here are just a few of the things we’ll cover:
The 7 Foods Essential to Immune Health! You probably already eat some of these foods (if you have a healthy diet), but when you find out exactly what they are, you’ll be able to make sure you get them in your families diet on a regular basis.
The 3 Most Common Household Poisons That Damage Your immune System! You might not even know these 3 poisons could be inside your house taxing your immune system right now. Find out what they are and what you can do about it in this live workshop.
3 Simple Strategies to Prevent the Flu! And Other Similar Viruses 🦠 These are 3 very simple strategies you can implement starting today to help your body improve it’s natural defense system, your immune system!
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